Thank you all so much for the support and encouragement that you have provided to me and Shae since my injury in the Steelers game. You are truly the best fans in the NFL and I am sorry that this season ended earlier than we all would have liked. Rest assured, however, that the entire team is going to be working hard this off-season to improve and we will be a better team next year.
In terms of my injury, I will
be completely ready for the 2006 NFL season and am anxious to get back
out on the field with my teammates. I had surgery in Houston and
am doing my rehab in Orange County, California. This is going
to be a long, grueling process, but knowing that you all will be waiting
for me at the Jungle provides me with great inspiration. In the
meantime, hopefully we can resign Jon Kitna, a fantastic quarterback
and person, who will expertly guide our offense during the off-season.
As you all know, I signed a
long-term deal with the Bengals shortly before my injury. I am
very grateful to the Brown family and the Bengals organization for showing
their faith in me as the team’s quarterback and leader. One
of the reasons that I signed a long-term deal is because Shae and I
love Cincinnati both in terms of its team and community. Thanks
to everyone for making us feel so welcome and we look forward to coming
back to Cincinnati once the weather warms up a little bit!
I also want to give a quick
thank you to Trey Selman at Selman Chevrolet for providing me with such
an awesome car, John Unzicker from the Northern Illinois Flight Center
for allowing me to fly in comfort, and Standards of Excellence for their
great grill that we will be using often in the upcoming months.
Keep the postings coming as
I really enjoy reading them during my downtime back here in Cali.